Posted by TexasChic on November 13, 2007, at 18:45:40
Well, tomorrow I have an interview with the Marketing Dept at work. I'm pretty overqualified for the position (10 yrs experience when they're asking for 2), but when I applied for the higher position they said I didn't have enough exp (!@#$%). Anyway, it would be way more interesting than my current job and there's a lot more opportunity for advancement. In my line of work Marketing is just the better way to go. So-o-o-o, wish me luck! Its always nerve racking to me to be the center of attention, and this is a panel interview! Yikes!
My supervisor hasn't said one word about it even though I sent her an email about it (she was out yesterday when they asked me to interview). I think she's taking it personally. Everyone else who I've told has been very, very supportive and excited about it for me.
Its funny, today RudeGirl came up to me and said, "So, anything interesting or exciting happening in your life?" It was so obvious she had heard! I just said, "No, not really." BTW, she just tried to get me in trouble with my supervisor yesterday, but luckily my coworker took up for me. This particular coworker doesn't like to get involved, but even she gets fed up with RudeGirl's crap eventually.
So wish me luck and lets hope this is the opportunity I've been looking for to get out of the crap I've been dealing with. And lets hope I'm not going from the frying pan into the fire. Although I've that seems to be a trend with me, so I'm pretty used to it by now.