Posted by rskontos on August 23, 2007, at 14:45:18
Hi guys, just wanted to let you know I have been cymbalta free since January of this year. It has been tough but I am working through it. When my grandmother died I went through another withdrawal episode with the brain zaps and some mini-seizures, and the bad rash. I have mini-seizures that cymbalta started up, I had a bad concussion when I was 10 and had outgrown the seizures but during tapering off cymbalta they started back. My daughter's neurologist I finally went to see and she upped my topamax, I was taking it for migraines, to help control the petite mal seizures or absences seizures. It does for the most part except during a flare up as I call them. I have also been in talking therapy for panic attacks. Which has helped tremendously as I refused to go back on anything else due to my cymbalta experience. I have a rare form of collitis, that cymbalta flared up in a bad way, landed me in the hospital. So I can related to all of you. The depression that landed me in cymbalta land is being helped by the therapy and understanding of myself. I have good days and bad days. More good now than bad. If I can help anyone please ask me. I tapered off of it and it was so hard but I did it. I used supplements which I still take, I use therapy to replace it, my neuro told me that tapering is a must due to the way it affects the brain. She has alot of experience with AD since they cause seizures with cymbalta being the number 1 culprit. Anyway, good luck to all, and I am here to help if you need support. One day at a time and the supplements will help plus patience. The neuro says the brain will heal itself but it takes time. So give yourself the time and trust your body to heal itself. Give yourself some support systems too to help. RKontos Cymbalta free since January 07