Posted by karen_kay on August 2, 2007, at 23:18:21
what, i'm smoking! do you expect me to put my smoke down to hug you or something? sheesh! also, i had to have my name in the hug too. for crying out loud, if i'm going through all this trouble, i at least want to be included in this hug (and yes, i'm going to do some groping while i'm at it. you're not getting out of it that easy.). you think i'd stand by and watch you two hug and stick my hands in my pockets? right!!!!!!
well, on with what i was going to say... it's going to get mushy and gushy at first, but if you want, you can ignore that stuff and skip to the better part. it goes by paragraphs, just to warn you. or, i'll at least try to keep it that way. you just never know with me, now do you? i might through one hell of a zinger right in the middle, just to throw you off and you'd skip right over the best one! hmmm, maybe you better read all of it then, eh?
well. i'll really get on with it then. or, maybe i won't. guess it's up to me how long i can leave you hanging, isn't it. and i could go on all night, as i'm having sleeping issues anyway, and i haven't got a thing to do. but....
it gets better, it really really does ladies. the little things make it better sweeties.
and it sounds stupid and silly and annoying and terribly f*cking condescending, but the little things make it worth it. and you have to hang onto them. because it really does get better.
i'm so sorry you're hurting right now. i really am. but, you're doing such a good job. and somethign very special is coming your way very soon. and it's the little things that help, you know? that get you through each day. until you're feeling just a little bit better. and you will be. you really will be. just think of those little things right now, those things you love. adn keep them close. and stay safe.i'm sending you positive thoughts, warm thoughts, thoughts of coffee with tons fo cream and sugar (so it's not really coffee at all then, is it?), thoughts of doobies (i'll blow the smoke your way, ok?), and cupcakes, and butter tarts (and <deleted to remain civil, as i don't want to be blocked for 6-9 weeks, but the next part is civil> rat poison, if i may say so myself!), and chinese balls, and tequila, and humping (*giggles*), and the cutest duckie ever, who drinks a mean chocolate milk, eh?... and pin up leggies, and pig tails, and breast fondeling (even if i can't spell it, i can do it, that's for sure!!!!), and myspace pages (even if li doesn't still have hers, and pics sent over the net (and photoshop!!!!!!!!), taunting kitty cats and drunken posting, butt poses in mirrors, fanFU*KINGtastic (i can't believe i can't even say it!!!) shoes that you can walk for blocks and blocks in!!!!, long bus waits, long seating waits, valet parking (!!!!!), hf wearing underpants :), and there's even dc (impossible but still, i am crazy you know... i've been known to go out for smokes and end up 5 hours away.
and there's still sooooooo much more to look forward to. if we can do all that in the span of a few short days, think of what could happen in the few years i have left (remember, i am several thousand years old......)!!!!!!!