Posted by Phillipa on July 3, 2007, at 21:52:11
In reply to Re: Going to an appt for a new Pdoc!, posted by Nathan_Arizona on July 3, 2007, at 14:09:26
Lose weight on zoloft? I didn't have side effects on that one at 50mg . Maybe instead of lexapro I should try that next. Just added cytomel to my synthoid thyroid will not stabalize. Oh I just remembered the insert on the synthroid says don't take with zoloft. That makes no sense why only one SSRI???? Can you answer that one seriously. Love Phillipa ps the synthroid leaflet says valium no either but the endo said I can take it even at the same time. I don't get it as the phamphet with the synthroid lists meds out of all categories as not to take with it. Google synthoid you'll see what I mean. Love Phillipa well T at least you're not on synthroid.