Posted by karen_kay on May 30, 2007, at 23:58:43
after careful consideration (and just so you know, lar, i was hoping i 'could post this' on a previous post in this thread not because i was hoping i had the strength to hit the submit button, but that i hadn't been blocked just yet. oh, but to be blocked with this. you've had this coming a long time anyway, so sit a spell...)
back to what i was saying lar, i've considered carefully and decided that after your last post, i in fact will not let it go. after readign your latest statement (and yes, i'm fully aware i look like a fool, but at this point i really don't give a damn. i'm childish, i'll admit it, but i reaaaaaaly want to call you an *sshole and i'll take this chance to heighten the drama to do it, ok. allow me the chance, just this once. by the way, if i were speakign this, i'd sound as if i were slurring my words, but i assure you i'm not drunk. it's the meds. the ones that are called stupid-max. but you know i take that, don't you?)
oh yeah, what was i saying again? oh the penguin sh*t you had to add. i enjoyed it really. it honestly made me laugh out loud. but, for some reason (i fear having to do with my womanly cycle and yes, i'm even making you read that, if you have in fact read this far. whether or not you have, i still called you an *sshole in the beginning, so you've pretty much heard the whole point of this long, drawn-out story.) tonight, i find you to be smarmy gain. i'd let it go earlier, but the claws have come out again (sorry jai... actually, no i'll go ahead and start a new thread since i think i may have promised.. sorry for nay confusion this may have caused but you lar are probably a mind reader or at least able to google enough about it to make it appear you are able to mind read, so you shoudl be able to whip back with somethign like 'oh, i know exactly what you're talking aobut. you meant that you had to cut and paste this from the original thread, as i could read your electurds in the brain of your third eye.' whatever sh*thead.)
ok, i think i have sufficiently hassled you enough for today. i think i have sufficiently earned myself a block. and i think i have sufficiently made my point.. that you are a jerk (stop correcting me, especially when i tell you time and time again i am extremely uncomfortable right now in the fact that my meds make me feel very stupid! can i make that any clearer, or do you need to read the electurds in my brain?).
thank you for seeing things my way lar and i accept your apology,