Posted by karen_kay on May 7, 2007, at 15:57:31
well, either the day i had the best drugs of my life or the day i had a baby duckie!!!! (well, a year ago anyway, buty i still remember it well. or don't remember a thing. anyway...)
YAHOOOOOO!!!!!! my duckie is one year old today (+/- the time in womb).
oh, and i've found pictures of stalkers and decided i would rather not have one.
a very good day indeed.
ps. i'm still in mourning (if you're reading toph).
the end (and i've forgotten how to say the end in german. oh well, here's to 3 cakes in three days! yahoo!)
the end yet again!
wait, it's still not the end. i forgot to mention how fabulous i look too. even better than before i got pregnant (and that's not happening again anytime soon. it took a year of starvation to make up for 9 months of chocolate sundaes every single day. i've become a born-again virgin (poor mr. kk) to ensure i'll bear (bere? beer, yeah, i think it's beer) no child again. next time, he'll have to get someone else pregnant.)
now, das ende. i think that's how you say it in german.
have the best monday ever everyone!