Posted by karen_kay on March 21, 2007, at 22:46:12
i've been dumpster diving (archiving). while i search through the past on babble (jeez louise, my typing seems to have gotten worse, but i fear i seem to have become even more enchanting and cahrming! hard to believe, i realize, but it is very true!), it makes me sad. and i torture myself with it. i make time to do it. sure, i coud stop. and i ask people 'can i say the most horrid things about you so i can get a block?' (well, when i'm blocked, i tend not to check babble as often. as pointed out to me, my memory is so horrid, i'd probably jsut forget that i was blocked anyway and continue to archive. whatever! my memory isn't that bad.)
now, where was i (shut up!). i was simply saying, i can choose to be in this crappity *ss mood, or i can simply take out my aggressions on a character i like to call mister bob (which i actually typed as mister boob. hmmmm....)
so, instead, you (few who actually open my posts) will hear a little story. now, you must read very close to your computer because this gossip is about as juicy as it comes. and it is the story of:
(insert soap opera music here)HOW MISTER BOB SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE
(please take a moment to let your shock out..
now, you may not believe this, but i assure you, it is nothing but truths (as i recall them). also though, i did have a few witnesses. the only one i can remember for certain is dinah, who was in chat at the time. any questions, do ask dinah. she knows the story and everyone knows her stand-up character. come to think of it, i do believe sp was there as well (i refer to her as my sexie pie, but not completely certain everyone else knows her quite as well as i do). don't believe me, sk them.
now, ack to the story of HOW MISTER BOB SET MY HOUSE ON FIRE!!!! (again with that blsated music and cut to short commercial break. hey, this crap ain't free folks. kk's got diapers to buy and a duckie to feed, not to mention habits we'll not get into here. but, she's off track, back to the story)
it was a late evening. kk got her husband, known as mr kk off to work. kk was getting dressed into her dirty t-shirt and sweat pants (mister bob's fantasy folks, not mine!). finding she had just a moment to spare, she decided to log into the babble chat to tease everyone about her special 'visitor' when his vw jetta pulled up. his tie was undone, she could tell he'd been working late. he came into the living room, carrying the bottle of wine and made himself comfortable on the couch. he unbottoned his pants, but only to allow room for the wine to fit in his belly.
she could see it in his eyes. he was all business. he could see it in her eyes, she was anything but business. just as she was about to pounce on him to grab the bottle of wine, he threw his arm back and knocked over the lamp. the lamp with the plastic lining. the plastic lining, whcih caught on fire. the fire, whcih destroyed the house. the house, which had no insurance.
mister bob quickly buttoned his pants, picked up the bottle of wine (open container law be damed!), spun tires as he headed back to chicago and poor kk never heard his speaking voice again.
to this day kk has never set up another romantic engagement with mister bob. fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, soemthing or other.
well, but they do say something about second chances, right? what do you say, mister bob. i guess, give me a call next muenesday, bout 13ish, my new number, maybe we could work something new out?