Posted by Racer on October 6, 2006, at 20:20:46
This is off topic. Hardly matters what the topic is, this question is probably off it...
Does anyone know about gila monsters and komodo dragons? I was reading something today that mentioned their venom, but I thought it was pretty much settled that komodo dragon bites were dangerous because of bacteria in their saliva, and that gila monsters were not venomous -- they just didn't let go once they bit? (Gila monsters always scared me... I've always like monitors, though, and I thought komodo dragons were just big monitors?)
So, someone here knows the answers I'm after. Who's it gonna be? Who will enlighten me?
By the way, didja all know that venom actually evolved only once, in an ancestral lizard long before the first snakes? And it evolved through "recruitment" of cells that produced chemicals, not through naturally occuring salivary components getting nastier. Cells that already produced some nasties were recruited to produce those compounds on demand, as what became venom. At first, there were nine molecules used this way, that number has increased to include at least 17 others. What's more, in the Southwestern United States, rattlesnake venom is becoming increasingly neurotoxic, apparently as a result of rapid evolutionary changes involving both the snakes and their usual prey. Some of the usual prey species are evolving some natural "anti-venoms" which the snakes are countering with more neurotoxins in their venom. Unfortunately, that means that rattlesnake bites are much more dangerous for humans, too, and can take much, much more antivenom.
Also, turns out that virtually ALL snakes are venomous -- even garter snakes. They produce venom which is equally toxic. The difference is that they have no venom delivery system. Some snakes traditionally considered "harmless" -- including those sold as pets -- have enough venom to be fatal to humans, but no way to deliver it to a human. Thus, they're essentially safe. (In some cases, the fangs that deliver venom are in the back of the mouth, in others there are no fangs for delivering the venom at all -- it just kinda drips into the mouth.)
There. I've told y'all something new. Don't I deserve an answer to my original question?
Oh, and I'm sorry to go on about this. I did remember, finally, that some folks are not snake friendly -- thus the trigger warning. For the rest of you -- I'm pretty middle of the road. Snakes fascinate me, but for pretty much the same reason most animals do. No special fondness, although some are just gorgeous, and I have no trouble handling them on occasion. I just wouldn't have one as a pet, I don't think. At least, I've rarely wanted one, although I have no objections.
And I'm rambling again...