Posted by Rjlockhart on October 2, 2006, at 18:49:29 [reposted on October 4, 2006, at 21:26:52 | original URL]
I am really well, this should be on the relationships board but i have to post this here on psychobabble.
I am living in an enviorment that is smuthering. My mom is, overly controlling, im 19, for god sake why does she still call me "toot" in frount of people. There is something wrong, im not saying with her but her actions, she well, i almost fell into a confort zone here at home, right now im posting at collage, i cant post at home she wont let me, she doenst want anyone to give me advice exept a couselor which i can hardly see.
She considers me almost a kid, but then i have to deal with her anger, stuborness, non-comromising, personality. She has been this way almost her entire life with me, yelling out problems... yelling at me, which sometimes yes i am irresponsible, that is my fault.
But i am having a almost severe crisis, i have ADHD, or i would say, i have a severe hard time focusing, sometimes i zone out, i put stuff and its right in frount of my face, and i forget about ... 6 times. Anyways thats something i cant discuss with my psychitrist because
#1 My mother will not let me see the doctor by myself, she will, i will get in to a huge fight, she doesnt want me on Dexedrine because SHE was addicted to it in the 1970's for modeling. She was on Desoxyn actually. She belived i was addited to it.
What my plan is, i dont know what is to come, i join the marines or the army and go Iraq then i will be away from her. But the bad side is it is going to be Intesely hard in the marines, it going to hold off my career, and i may get killed (but i dont know that). I will be able to talk to a military psychiatrist, about my bad problem, and see what happens. I dont know what is to come, this could all turn out not good. At least i would be supporting my country. There is no way she could do anything to try to control, its the military, once im in, she is out.
Or the Air Force. either way i would be getting away from her.
I am going to talk to a social worker. And may go and talk to the marines, or air force, what ever comes pray for me.