Posted by calvintoronto on September 17, 2006, at 15:49:18
Hello all:
This is my first posting here, and I'm seeking a diversity of opinions.
I have lived with Pure O OCD (images of violence to others or self) for a good 30 years, and I take fluvoximine in order to control it. Works fairly well.
Recently, I diagnosed with hiv but am in perfect health. Went through a few emotional upheavals (boyfriend dumped me) but things seemed to be settling. But recently, unexplained anxiety has cropped up. Some days are crippling. Sometimes it feels as though it is related to my ocd, sometimes not. Some days I can live with the physical pain of what I was suffering--but then it seems to "change" into mental anxiety.
I tried Wellbutrin and rispiridrone--both big busts. I take the ocassional ativan. My shrink and therapist seem not to know what is up.
Any thoughts?