Posted by llrrrpp on July 4, 2006, at 11:24:49
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury,
I am a neophyte to stimulants. 24 hours ago I had my very first 200 mg of provigil anafranil. Then I felt AWESOME. I did laundry and was packing for my trip. Part of the packing was to get the right meds into the right bags- no prescriptions in the checked luggage. etc etc. So, I laid out my meds for the pm dose, the following am dose, and then my pm vitamins and am vitamins. All in cute little paper cups.
took my pm meds, one of which is sedating. I felt the sedation, and vaguely dozed off, but then I felt the kick. apparently provigil was puttin up a fight. I got out of bed to play on p-babble, read a book, drink water, watch TV, all night long. probably got about 1-3 hours of light dozing done.
Hmm. when searching for my morning meds (i.e. provigil) I could not find it. 3 empty cups, and one full cup (with morning vitamins). HOLY CRAP.
I truly did not *mean* to take my provigil at 11 pm last night. It was an accident, as it closely resembles one of my pm vitamins, and I got my medicine cups all mixed up.
Now I'm travelling all day today, by myself. I have a wicked headache, I twitch and startle at the smallest disturbance, and I'm feeling overwhelmed with stress. At least the traffic was good this morning, and I didn't get a special security screening. I will need to really take care of me so that I don't lose my cool. And the worst place to lose my cool? on a busy airplane, during Independence Day.
I splurged and bought wireless internet connection. I'm hanging out at the airline terminal. Keep double checking that I didn't leave my carry-on or my jacket at the security check. Feeling pretty overwhelmed, fuzzy brained. cognitively incapacitated. and I have taken 2 Aleve caplets, and the headache is unrelenting. since about 3 am.
I dunno. someone wanna send me a hug? llrrrppsie's stressed & as twitchy as bunnyrabbit on stimulants. boo.
deep breathing. ignore screaming children and grumpy married couples. ignore strife. happy thoughts happy thoughts. I can nap on the plane (except I'm NOT tired. I didn't take any provigil today. only a cup of black tea, hoping to take the edge off my headache. nope). deep breathing. in. out. in. out.