Posted by Tanzanite on March 10, 2006, at 16:56:47
After spending forever on the phone yesterday trying to get this bank thing/coin (I had ordered some coins and they were sent to the wrong address and stolen), then my bank has been overdrawn and another order which was not authorized went through), I was and still am emotionally drained and exhausted. Then, stupid me forgot to change my duragesic (pain patch), and for some reason today I am not doing so good. My knee is giving me a heck of a time, I don't feel like doing anything (which seems to be a problem a lot lately). I mean I just am drained, tired of not feeling well, and this house has literally fallen apart around us. My hubby hasn't been able to help much so...what can I say. I know, sounds like I am whining. But next week we have to take our car in for another repair (more money that was supposed to go to the lawyer for bankruptcy), to fix the car we were gonna bankrupt on. Arghh. At least it is driving now. If we ever file, we will have to do it on our own cuz we wont be able to get a lawyer now and don't qualify for legal help of any kind. I don't feel like taking the car in, I have to go two hours away to get an infusion that is a week late (Immunglobulin), so I don't get sick too much. And , it is on a day when my stepdaughter is here and she is gonna have a fit after having to sit there that long. I don't blame her. It takes all darn day. Arghh. Figures they could only get me in on the days we have her with us, and that ruins our time with her. We will have to bring toys, and stuff and make the best of it. So, maybe I shouldn't get stressed out by all this. But, I can only handle so much lately and lately anything is so much. I don't know if this makes sense to anyone. Sometimes I guess struggling will just be my daily life from here on out. When am I gonna get used to it? When will I accept this? How long does it take one to accept living life this way? Well, at least I get to see my psychologist next week. It is my second appointment. That is the only thing I am looking forward too. He is an older (not real old) fella and seems like a really open minded friendly person from what I gathered. I consider him the beginning of building a support system at least for now. Well, this rant has been long enough. Sorry Folks. Now you can tune in to your regularly stationed programming :)
HUGS to all and hope your days will be well