Posted by rjlockhart98 on September 13, 2005, at 21:21:46
In reply to What is disassociation?, posted by lynn970 on September 13, 2005, at 20:37:03
Disociation is experienced in a tramatizing situation. A murder, a wreck, or something that was so is painful that the mind litterally shuts off reality. You feel numb, detached from your body, feel your going insane. But its your body's reaction defense mechansism to cope with a stressful sitaution.
Dissociation itself is feelings of numbess, detachment, and feeling unreality. Usally this is during or after a tramatic event. Then if it continues, such as childhood Multiple personalites emererge to cope.
Also known as Dissociaive Idenity Disorder (Multiple personality disorder) which you litterlly switch a personality is developed to cope with the situation. There was on case Sybil, she had 16 diffrent personalities. There was a movie with Sally Field (1976) which she plays as Sybil. Each personality is created to cope, be dominant or the aggressive personality to react to abuse. Such as if someone is abusing you, Tony will come out and take them on who ever is.
Here is some litterature: