Posted by med_empowered on August 14, 2005, at 20:45:51 [reposted on August 15, 2005, at 20:18:27 | original URL]
In reply to Re: I hate my life, posted by lynn970 on August 14, 2005, at 19:12:48
yup...everybody's been there. For some people, its worse than for others, but the point remains...the answer to your despair is *not* ending your life. Thats just a violent, desperate act that doesn't help anyone--you, your family, your friends, so on and so forth. So please don't OD or otherwise try to harm will *only* make the situation worse. When I get really depressed, I re-read *Man's Search for Meaning*, a book by Victor Frankel...anyway, he was a Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist who developed "Logotherapy," which for a time was a viable alternative to Freudian psychoanalysis (since drugs have taken over psychiatry, cool approaches like this have been tossed aside in favor of the RX pad). Anyway, he always asked his depressed patients one question to begin: "Why haven't you committed suicide?" When you think about that--the people, places, ideas, beliefs, possibilities that keep you from killing yourself-- you'll find yourself feeling much more hopeful; whatever your answers are (and you will have reasons), those are the things that you need to focus on right now, because they are the most important parts of your life. Good luck!