Posted by just plain jane on March 13, 2005, at 2:52:11
I em so soorree I deed no enser yoo IM en hef no been een here a while.
Eet ees only I em beezy weeth dees yooongsters who do dee sheeteeng und eeteeng und neeeeng all zees loooveeng.
Und zen zer ees zee teeenejjers und zee elders whos also need zee loove und affection.
Zee hoorses weel soon be four es I heff poorchees zee stood coolt in zee Percheron moodel who knows nootheeng, not eefen to leed.
Deed I menchun zee son what went avay to zee servees? Ah yeees, he decides he doos no like eet so he und hees boddy tek a walk een zee meedel off zee nyte to see zee sights off Sen Deeaygo. Zen he caaals hees modder (thet beeeng me) und tellls her hee ees et zee Greyhundt Station und hes no monny und no do hees boddy und weel I help zem.
Oh Gooooodeeee
Eeet ees now tyme for dem to go bek und fess zee myoosic bot I don teenk dey weel be heereeng zee Halls of Montezuma greetink zem, no I tenk eet be moor like Taps.
Dem domsheets goon hef to do time for zee cryme, holee sheet, yes!
Not to menshon all zees doggs mekken zee sheet alla zee tyme nyte und day und I moost kleen et opp, joo no?
Weeelll, I comen zee heer for I no cood sleep und I vas goeeng to enser yoor IM bot I wass too lezzy und falleenk asleep from zee exawstchun bot now, you see I emm avake und ken rite verry vell zees enser to yoor kveschon wheech vas em I OK end yoo see zee enser ees yes! thenk yoo.
Een zee meentyme I veel be sinkeenk off you und odders heer I kerr about (menny), bot I yooost be verry kwyet so I doon deesterb ze sleepeenk poppies.Keep your stick on the ice.
yoost plen jen
poster:just plain jane