Posted by pegasus on July 5, 2004, at 20:12:59
In reply to How guilty do y'all feel..., posted by Emme on July 5, 2004, at 12:20:21
Well, my guilt feelings battle it out with my feelings of needing help, and most of the time guilt wins. But the few times I've called, I've felt so much better afterwards, if only because I knew he knew I wasn't doing well. And he's always been very very supportive at those times.
My T had a sort of built-in way of protecting his free time. He checks messages throughout weekdays, but not after 8:00 or so at night, and only maybe once a day on the weekends. So, I can always call and leave a message, and if he doesn't call back until the next day, I know he's stopped checking for the day, and that he's getting the time that he needs away from bothersome (in my mind) client calls. It worked for me, because I knew that if he called me back on weekends and nights, then he had time and wanted to. And I knew he'd always get back to me the next working day at the latest.