Posted by jay on February 15, 2004, at 23:35:05
I don't really believe in synchornicity, but I got lucky tonight. I went to the ER and within an hour, saw a good doctor and such. (My Dad was nice enough to take me :-) While there, I ran into my uncle and cousin who I haven't seen in ages. My Uncles's girlfriend tried to kill herself, and that is why they where there. Stupid *me* had forgotten to get a refill on my Mellaril and Clonazepam, so that is why I was there. I have only slep't on average an hour a night since Wednesday. But...the doctor gave me a good dose o Risperal to take, instead of the Mellaril, which was fine by me because the Mellaril seemed like sugar-pills. usua in most familiesl...there is this long line of so many of these disorders that runs like a runaway train in my family, as my cousin told me she was on disability and psych. meds.(Too!) It is so hard to tell the genetic from everything else. It seems we are living in a world that is often toxic emotionally, and that effects everything else, from relationships to jobs. Add on top of that the direct pressure of having to "keep up with the Jones..", and all of the cut throat competition among society.
No wonder so many wish to check-out and move to that wonderful place called Bohemia! :-) Man..if everyone could just "hang out", swim, play on the beach in the sun, have a few drinks, every day!!...yeah I do believe in Hedinism a bit. What is so *wrong* with this anyways? Imagine if we all worked at a job we love, spending days having good parties on the beach...nights under the a rich culture that is the antithises of of the yuppie family living in the burbs.Well, I am packing my bags....I am off to wander into the stratosphere of Bohemia, and find a way in. Bohemia=no daily pressures-no daily schedules=no *cell phones* (Yeeehaa!)=people living and learning rich in art, philosophy, music=getting back in touch with our bodies=Eating very well, a diet rich in organic, eclectic foods=No Microsoft, transportation by bike, No banks to suck our money away=daily spas..massage therapy..manicures and pedicures for all who wish...and on.
So, who wants to sign up? :-)
Jay (Bohemia-mania! :)