Posted by Penny on September 11, 2003, at 10:32:30
In reply to Really Screwing Up At Work, posted by Susan J on September 11, 2003, at 9:44:19
I really wish I could give you a good answer here, but I can't. I struggle with getting my work done on a daily basis. Right now there is a newsletter that I finally completed about 9 months after it was originally supposed to be done, that I still haven't mailed out. I don't know what it is about that project that has been so difficult to get finished, but I just can't seem to do it. Just like phone calls that I know need to be made, projects that need to be followed up on, etc.
I too am single and right now I'm barely making ends meet as it is. Part of my problem, I think, is that I'm not in the career field I want to be in. I am working toward a career change, but, as with everything, it takes time and energy. Energy I don't have, and the amount of time it's taking is frustrating.
My therapist recommended the book "The Now Habit". It's an older book but has some good ideas, essentially about changing the way you think about projects. I pulled some of the ideas out of the book and posted them on my bulletin board next to my desk. They say: "I don't have to, I choose to." "I can take one small step." (meaning that you can always do one little thing - don't look at the WHOLE job, just say, Okay, I'm going to make ONE phone call today. That's it.) and "I am not perfect, I am human."
Believe it or not, part of your problem, and the problem with all people who have trouble with procrastination and motivation, is that we are perfectionists. For me, I'll put something off, and then after a while it will get where I'm almost afraid to do it, b/c then I feel like, "Well, now I HAVE to get it done." Then it becomes, "Well, if I can just get it done soon." Then it turns into, "Now it will only be a half-a**ed job..." which makes me fearful that when I do finish the project I will get criticism for having finished it late and less than perfectly. I guess part of me just hopes that if I ignore it, maybe everyone will forget about it, and it will just go away.
But, of course, that doesn't happen.
Truly, though, reminding myself that I am HUMAN and that I am NOT PERFECT, and that I CAN do one little teeny tiny thing today (which provides that sense of relief/satisfaction, albeit a small one), and that I'm not working because I HAVE to - the only thing in this life we have no choice over is death - we all HAVE to die at some point - but I'm working b/c I'm choosing the rewards of working over the consequences (no house, car, food, etc.) of not working - makes things a *little* bit easier.
But only a little bit. I still don't have the answers. Procrastination compounded by depression is a tough one. Try to not look at all you HAVEN'T done and instead look at what you have accomplished. Try to find some way to motivate yourself to do SOMETHING - doesn't have to be anything big today, just something. Some people say to make a 'to-do' list so you can cross things off - that just stresses me out, to see in writing all that I have yet to accomplish - perhaps instead you could write down things as you do them - a list of accomplishments instead of a list of things yet to be done.
Just some thoughts. Hope it gets easier for both of us!!!