Posted by giget on July 16, 2003, at 8:16:35
Ok.. so now I will scream... I wrote up a new post and somehow closed the window before finishing...
Not feeling so hot today, did not get much sleep last night and my project from last week is going in today, with already some major problems...
Thanks for getting back to me!
Yesac - Cats are great... They can be life savers, and the personalities are great. If you can handle one, then get one. That is if you are not going to move too often, cats have a hard time re-adjusting to new places.
They say I have clinical depression, situational depression, a sensitive personality, anger issues and an unresolved childhood... so I am a mutt!
I do love to cook and am pesco-pollo vegetarian... but do not eat chicken, but all dairy and fish... I have some really quick recipes if you want them...
Noa - I go to the library to give me something to do and to get on the internet. I do not have a home phone, for reasons, so I do not have internet at home...
Has anyone ever tried the personalls on line? Are they safe?
Penny - I understand the ups without happiness. That is where I am right now. On the go... for no reason, agitated, angry, buying anything I can get my hands on, worrying and mostly thinking that I forgot something, or had to be some where really important and it consumes me!kidatheart - feel free to say anything you want. Sometimes people need a break from there problems and it is good to help others. You can always find someone on here that has been there, done that, and learned.
Kara - Wicca is not a bad thing, but sorry for thinking something that was incorrect.
anyways, I will be checking back in after I check on my project... Cross your fingers it comes out ok in the end, and I don't lose my job!