Posted by lostsailor on May 25, 2003, at 22:43:23
I have so much to say but no-one to listen...
I really sucks, at the risk of a PBC..,.
emotions all over my face, tears on my that covered by warranties/???...
I have so many that would love me to call and chat, yet i have too much explaining to do before I could "cry on their shoulders”
and don't even feel that it's fair after playing hide and go seek for so long...
some are p'oed, some just "lost" as to I now whom i am...fristrated, frustrated even
6 poems in process today--i "fancy my-self a poet"
bonus to
those who know the ""..
i am stuck in a rut i have dug all alone,
but with friends that have beseeched themselves to help..but
I hide non the less
oh, what a mess
I have made...
a good "bounty' commercial????...
i ment