Posted by noa on April 21, 2003, at 13:06:49
In reply to : Worried..blessings and hope to you and your mom (nm), posted by lostsailor on April 21, 2003, at 9:18:53
Thank you for all that support. It really helps.
I bought a ticket last night to fly there today, but after speaking with my Mom this morning, I am not going there today. I'll take it day by day (I purposely got a ticket that is transferable).
What helped me feel it would be ok to not go today is that my mom said she is having her friend go into the doc meeting with her. And I suggested her friend take notes, and she liked that idea.
The appointment is with this doc who does some kind of new procedure on osteoporosis vertebrae fractures. But he usually does them in the lumbar region and my mom's fractures are apparently higher up. She is having an MRI this morning and then meeting with the doc later in the day.
I'll take it day by day.
Meanwhile, the repair guy came to look at the washing machine. FIrst he called to say I had to bail all the water out of it. I had assumed these guys have pumps or syphons or somthing. So I bailed, and bailed and bailed until I couldn't bail any more and then soaked up about 5 towels trying to get the water from under the agitator. In the end he didn't do much that really required the water to have been out of there. He had a hunch it was a switch and he tested it and he was right. So he is ordering the switch and has to come back later in the week to change the switch. Luckily it is still covered under warranty--yay.
Now I'm lumpy and tired and cold and not getting much done, tho there is a lot to do. I can't decide if I'm starting to feel effects of the lowered effexor dose, or is it all the stress, etc. I don't think I will be able to know for sure for a while.
I'm really glad my brother is going to visit parents tomorrow. I think it also means a lot to my other brother that he is going.