Posted by syringachalet on March 21, 2003, at 23:43:41
In reply to Iraq and Al Queda » beardedlady, posted by shar on March 21, 2003, at 20:48:10
I think that many Americans have a problem connecting 9/11 and Al Queda to Hussein and Iraq.
What I see is 'the big picture'. Not being too focused on one person or place but considering terriorism as a whole.
Its been 12 years since we had oue last little trest with Saddum and we foolishly trust him to follow his promises to rebuiidl his regime and take care of his people.
Instead his regime wasted 12 years and things just got worse. For some reason he felt above the rules and laws that govern the rest of the world...maybe he thinks hes bullet-proof?!?We tried to get Ben Laden and we havent totally given up on him yet. But when Hussein contined to be non-compliant and denied this own people basic humanitarian needs, it was time for some country to 'step up to the plate', 'drawing a line in the sand' that ruling a country with raping and killing and torture would not be tolerated.
Maybe Bush thinks that if America can put Hussein out of commission, the other terrriorists will know that America isnt just means what it says. George even thought that the other countrys would want to help bring down SH. But they decided not to.
By the way, after America and Canada and Great Britian 'do all the dirty work' in gettting SH regime in the past and rebuild Iraq(Or what ever they decide to call it), are all those nations who didnt want to 'get involved' in a Iraq conflict want to enjoy the benefits from Hussein down-fall? (cheaper oil prices, etc...)
Kind of reminds me of that story about the wolf and the three little pigs who the first two didnt want to go to the work to build with brick and then they wanted refuge in the third little pigs brick house from the wolf make after them...
Should 'to the victors belong the spoils' ???syringachalet