Posted by noa on March 13, 2003, at 20:57:26
It's been stressful week. Work is extremely busy and politics as usual has been intensifying. Then, my Dad had a heart attack and has been in the ICU for past few days. He is doing ok now, stable and feeling better. Just waiting now for another procedure and further stability before moved out of ICU. I'm travelling to see him for the weekend.
Yesterday most unusual thing happened--I had what I think is anxiety related chest pain (diaphragm muscle spasm?). I was worried about my dad but not that anxious, but then the morning at work got a little crazy and as soon as I had a moment to breathe, I got the chest pain. I knew right away it had to be anxiety even though I wasn't feeling panicky or anything. Of course I thought, "how ironic to have a chest pain now". But I just breathed deeply a bit and it went away. My work consistency has suffered a bit this week, but that is to be expected. I've done fine with big stuff, but seem to lose the details a lot.
My siblings and I have been in communication several times a day, and I've been calling my mom, too, and have been able to speak with my dad a couple of times. My mom's been minimizing it a lot, but that is what she seems to need to get through it. But we have our work cut out for us in terms of getting my parents to use available services in an emergency. My mom drove my dad to the hospital. First she called the doctor, who said, "get him to the hospital", which to her meant "drive him to the hospital". The doctor later told my brother he did not mean that, he meant call 911. So my brother chewed the doctor out, telling him, if you want them to call 911, then that is exactly what you have to say!" We also want to drill into my parents that calling the doctor is not the best first thing to do--it just wastes time, as the doctor cannot do anything over the phone.
But my mom is still arguing that my dad didn't have a heart attack. For whatever reason, she can tolerate the idea of a lot of other things, but those two words seem to be toxic to her! I think big medical terms are ok because she doesn't really understand what they mean and, more importantly, they specifically are not those 2 specific words, "heart" and "attack". I think it must be some kind of a generational thing.
She is misinterpreting a lot of what the doctors and nurses are telling her. The nurse told us to have only one family member call in for updates, but we asked if we can have two--my mom plus one of us, because my mom's way of absorbing the info is not reliable. The nurse understood and said it was fine, so my brother is our designated info gatherer.
To add to the stress, my heater is broken again (aarrgghh). Thank goodness it is not as freezing as it was, but I still have to layer up on the clothes and blankets, and have dryer and oven on as much as I can.
Washing machine still broken. And, I'm way overdue for serious dental stuff, etc. etc. etc. etc.
But bathroom's still clean and clothes still getting put away.
Very wierd thought I had after I heard the news about my dad: I better get my house in order because you never know when you have to jump on a plane, or when an event like this will bring people over, etc. Isn't that odd? I was thinking about how keeping order is important in case something bad or unexpected happens. Maybe not so odd, I guess. Just surprised me.
Will probably be away from Pb for another few days again.