Posted by syringachalet on January 7, 2003, at 19:58:19
My mind is still racing in a tornado of panic and rage.
They said he had been sedated. They had him in shackles and belly chains. And still he was able to strike me...hard enough to knock me out of my chair. The guards lift me back into my chair and the cut and gooseegg I have coming on my head are colorful but not too painfull.
But where did all that rage come from? Somewhere in this troubled mans past someone hurt him very badly and that rage must have been simmering and boiled over on to me today.
I am emotionally numb from the incident still. It only been five hours ago. the video tape keeps playing over and over in my mind.I must sleep now. The Atavin tablet is doing its job..I hate that feeling. But I hate where I am right now. I will rest now and process all of this days events in time. I have a debrifing session in the morning and have had all my appts tomorrow reschudled.
Take Care. syringahcalet