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Therapy, and Insight into Inlaws

Posted by Medusa on September 11, 2002, at 3:51:20

I went with DH to his "family systems analyst" on Monday night.

She is efficient. She is unrelenting. DH checked in about his family stuff, and then said he'd brought me to talk about his desire for children. (The devil laughs.) I've made all kinds of excuses for why not, and of on the way to the session DH had me rolling in laughter with his mimicking of my description of how much hassle kids are and why he really doesn't want them. Anyway, ShrinkLady gets RIGHT to the core reason, gets me sobbing, and then turns right back to DH and starts lecturing him about how this is his problem, and what he needs to do about it, and gives him homework.

Now I want to bring my MIL to her, and tell MIL that this is her chance to straighten me out and explain exactly everything I've done wrong.

I know that this is NOT the answer. DH has to work out his own probs with his parents, and I can't drive it into their heads with a sledge hammer.

I need my own bloody therapist. I am such a mess. I am unmotivated, I am depressed. I don't think this therapist believes in depression. Maybe that's what I need at the moment. But she is WAY too expensive for me. I am tired of therapists, tired of shelling out big money and getting NOwhere. But Mr-Anti-Therapy-DH seems to think she's worth it.

I am stuck. I am spinning my wheels and getting nowhere on the dang treadmill at the gym. I have so much to do, and I don't give a flying fig.

Anyway. Happy September 11 everybody, somebody take Bush to a family systems analyst and see if his Iraq stuff is about him looking for daddy's approval. And somebody talk to him about the christian fundamentalist extremist problems in his own bloody country, I do not know why he thinks he can manage foreign terrorists if he can't even understand his own. And I'm conservative, this is not a liberal Democrat rant, sorry Dinah if this sounds uncivil. Maybe everything looks blue from outside the country.




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