Posted by bookgurl99 on August 28, 2002, at 18:59:22
Can I just rant? If I hadn't gotten sick last spring, I'd have done well in school and kept my scholarships; then I wouldn't be working full-time now. Which I do, and it is pretty damn boring. I don't know how people can go straight from high school to one lame-o job after another and be happy with it. This working full-time, it gives me structure but so much BOREDOM.
And mostly, it steals time from me. The time I'd use to complete my degree. But no, here I am, earning money to eventually complete my degree. *sigh* I really want to be done with this epoch and on to something better.
Just had to rant.
I am trying to do more for myself; I've been getting up early to write and exercise before work. I'm starting to make plans with friends. And things are going pretty well with my girlfriend.
But when do I get to stop 'building towards healing' and start having fun???? *sigh*
This is all so exasperating. Don't you ever feel so exasperated over this crappp???????!!!!!