Posted by shar on July 10, 2002, at 21:55:00
In reply to It's none of their business!!, posted by Gracie2 on July 10, 2002, at 18:38:38
Does the medical form filled out by your dr. relate to them collecting emergency info about you in case you suddenly collapsed on the job...or something equally dramatic? Does it go into the HR database? Or is it kept in a separate confidential file?
I agree completely, it is none of their business at all unless you can discern a reason for their request.
This is especially true if they don't pay your health insurance...why do they need a dr's report?
When I applied at a temp agency, their form asked all sorts of medical questions, gave them permission to contact my dr., gave them permission to do a credit check and police record check. For a temp agency!
I x'd it all out and said if the company they sent me to needed any of that info they could bring it up at that time. I don't recommend this, because I didn't hear from them again.