Posted by susan C on June 18, 2002, at 13:01:15
Ok, Ok, I am probably over reacting here, but I need some reactions. And THAT is what I can get here, so go to it.
First some back ground. (lets see if I can make this clear) My father was very ill with face pain, depression ect alcohol and drugs for a long time. My brother was dx paranoid schiz, hallucinated and talked to little green people. oh, and god, and later killed himself three months after dad died of cancer. I have dealt with some kind of depression/bipolar illness for years, being home bound for sometime. I have just recently become so angry at being ill I am doing things inspite of the panic, the axiety, the dizziness and confusion and fatigue. One of those things is walking with a group.
The previous walk the conversation went to "a beautifl mind" and i said, as father brother and I were ill, i would appreciate not talking about that, have not seen movie, etc. and everyone said, oh that is good you said something, of course, we will change subject. Then last night went to ...Ya with this same general group and had to leave theater at one point, due to violence on camera....At dinner someone said, oh of course the mother was crazy she was abused by her mother...So, one person in the walking group was there at the movie also, and I explained I cant do children being hurt and psychoic episodes.
The point of the post is, there was a newish person in the walking group today, who wanted to share about a show on elephants...commenting on the relative size of brains (she is a neurobiologist/studying to help people with chronic pain, something she has dealt with for a long time....)and how the lemporal lobe receives sound, low frequency, and how this is the same area of the brain that has been stimulated in humans and people have spiritual experiences... and how great it must be to be an elephant to have this big area being stimulated all the time.
So, I cant quite believe what I am hearing. I open my big mouth and say, are you saying this stiumation is a real experience of god, or that the stimulation of this area of the brain is perceived as an experience of god? A real perception she says. The other person comments, maybe both, who knows, (I like this lady)
She also commented about how small children perceive migranes as visual little people, and when told they are not they go away...I said, so, you are saying the little green people/god my brother saw and talked to really do exist? And she said, is he mentally ill? I said, yes. Well, that is a pathologic illness..and I said, how can a physiological illness, that causes psychological problems, be dismissed as being caused by something that was done psychologically to that person.
I am sorry if i am not making sense. This has been a very hard two week. Maybe I am trying too hard. I try to remember that most normal people even ones who say they are planning to be therapists or are therapists, really dont have a clue...and that there really are 'schools of thought" and that if this lady wants to persue a new age your brain can receive signals from god approach to dealing to chronic pain, who am i to argue. And who am I to make a judgement and get bent out of shape and prejudge based on just a few minutes of conversation. And WHO AM I to say I even MADE sense as I was talking to her????
a mortified mouse
ikes, is this a pps or a pbfaith thread??
poster:susan C