Posted by LostBoyinNC1 on June 14, 2002, at 21:47:12
Im SICK of psychiatry and the entire mental health "profession." Ive had it with "mental health." Its a joke. There is no good science behind it. This past week in the local newspaper, the Winston Salem journal, there was a big long article about mental illness in North Carolina. One of the psychiatrists interviewed was involved in functional neuroimaging at a local teaching hospital and he said in this article that "Psychiatry is where general medicine was 50 years ago." DUH!!!!! Thats what Ive been saying for a long time.
Im tired of it. I have seriously given thought to forming my own political lobby organisation which would have the specific purpose of formally merging psychiatry into neurology. Also, I believe that the major mental illnesses...major depression, bipolar manic depression and schizophrenia...should be formally reclassified as Neurological diseases and taken out of the category of "psychiatric" illnesses. Finally, I believe that major depression needs a new name which more adequately describes how bad it can get. I have never thought the term "depression" described the severity of symptoms I have had at times. When you tell people you have "depression" they only think of emotional or psychological issues and the lay public does not understand that severe depression is a full body, physical disease.
Id like to see the diagnosis and treatment of the severely mentally ill just totally, completely removed from the so called "mental health" profession and placed in Neurology. I think its time for the seriously mentally ill to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that the mental health profession is snake oil and pseudu science and a lot of bullshit. Where is the research? REAL research? I dont see much of it. A little, but not enough. Where is the brain research? We all suffer from brain based illnesses you know.
I dont think psychiatry is capable of providing high tech, 21st century medical care for severely mentally ill people and I believe only Neurology has the potential to do so. Psychiatry is backwards, psychiatry is low tech in an era of high tech and its basically nothing but bullshit.
The severely mentally ill deserve better...much better than psychiatry. We deserve individualized, high tech, Neurology-like approaches to our diagnosis and treatment. We deserve respect...not condescending, sardonic "psychobullshit" that we typically have to put up with.
Only problem is I dont know how to go about organizing my own lobbying group. I assume it costs a lot of money, which I dont have. A website would be a good place to start. Ive already come up with a name for my lobby group. Something has to be done about the "mental health" profession. Its disgraceful and I cant fucking stand it.
There is no separation of mind and body and people will only realize that once mental illness is formally recognized as Neurological illnesses and not as bizarre, mysterious "psychological" problems.
Freud was the worst thing that ever happened to the severely mentally ill in the USA.