Posted by Janelle on May 7, 2002, at 16:08:03
Over on PBA you thoughtfully asked me to come over here and tell you if 1) I was able to meditate? 2) Exercise? 3) Take B vitamins?
Well, you're, um, going to be disappointed (as am I) ... cuz basically the answers are 1) I'm not sure (see details below), 2) not really and 3) only as part of my multiple vitamins (I need to ask someone to go to the store for me and get me a bottle of B vitamins).
Beardy, I'm in BAAAAAAAAD shape. :-(
More details: I've been practicing some deep breathing and perhaps meditating if concentrating on one calm, relaxing type of activity and managing to focus on it to the point where my mind does NOT race or think of anything else can be considered a form of meditation? I have been able to do this and I mention and ask about it because I remember you had said that IsoM's focusing on watching the birds in her feeder could be considered a form of meditation?
I'm just coming out of a medicine-induced deep depression (I was all but comatose for quite some time), so exercise has been impossible. However, I had been walking again. Unfortunately, it has gotten uncomfortably hot and very dry out which makes walking during the day problematic (and I'm staying in an area where there are night creatures roaming around so one does NOT walk at night in the dark)
Thanks for your thoughtfulness, interest and concern! Means a lot. :-)