Posted by trouble on April 22, 2002, at 23:53:27
Alls I have to say about Dr. Bob for now is we're cool, I like him more than ever actually, since he seems willing to become friends w/anyone, including lowlifes.
See, the thing about Dr. Bob is IMO, he probably didn't get to watch John F. Kennedy's face get blown apart in slow motion 500 times on TV before age ten, if so, this would have a profound impact on anyone's psychosocial development and I can't hold it against him, that's just the younger generation, cock-eyed visionaries, this whole thing they have about civility, which is taking over the country, check your bookstores friends, get behind it, I know I am, somewhat, except these 2 big fat flatfoot Fred Flinstone feet I got from my mom, Psychorella won't fit into the glass slipper, nosireebub, not by decree, I've tried civility for 2 weeks now and I'm sorry, it just comes out as passive aggression (YUK!!!), so I gotta do the whole effin transformation routine, including fairy godmentors, and findin them is my first hat-crushing forward advance.
Crushing Jackie's leopard skin pillbox hats is supposed to be a big step forward, according to Mr. Dylan at least, on the Blonde On Blonde album, and he did write propaganda songs, please let's try to understand what that means in case we ever get another chance to use him.trouble