Posted by kid_A on April 22, 2002, at 18:49:20
i dont know what to say, i think about you every day of my life... i think about all the things that we could have done, all the promise that there was in you... i wish i was a better writer, that i could write something ultimately profound and apt, and i know that no one poem can do you justice, i just think of you over my shoulder reading this, and maybe that makes me laugh, or it makes my cry... but still, i want you know know that i'll never forget you, that i miss you so much i dont know what to do sometimes, and you will always be in my heart, for as long as i am here, as always and forever,
for stacey anne rainey
"how can you be so many women
to so many people, oh you
strange girl?"
-sylvia plath
oh strange girl, oh starling,
oh petal, oh flower, "Oh",emptying that wondrous air
into the hands of Thanatoswith a mouth full of sleep
and eyes skyward, eyesroaming the surf, eyes
lulling for sunsetsoh tambourine girl, walking
and ticking, Ah princessto be sure, and steady--
hands upon the hilt"Oh", And do you
remember it-- how perfect,
we thought, how right--the word covering you now
like a princess's dress--
that second skinmerlot girl, tumbling down
your hillside, guilders all
tizzybut not even a drop was
spilled!hospital scrubs and lonely
children, open books and
killing timethe whip noise that fell
from your mouth like a rosetaking a drag off of Arrogant
Bastard, becoming springthe wind through your locks
like Pan's little fingersand flame and ignorance,
loss and walking, through--
fire, flame, earth, and water
that old creep showand janis, and joan, they,
and their willowy grap, not even
a finger was laid upon you!lifeless and limp, held high
by strings, their story
was pantomimed, for asleepyeyed and moving slow,
farwest secret star, yetnow Two little satellites
swim in amoungst the heather,
singing with johnny d.twins now! and how about
that! silent trees for the
poets, Ha!, the tourists,
the narcicistssinging the same, you two
are one in push me pull mei suppose, the rain will always
fall, in God's Green countrywhile we, each of us, open
our books, a life in every onebooks, quietly left open, "Oh",
that affirmation of sly death,
that tattered bonethat death we both wore, that
death that wrapped its chord
around youOh angel of the southern comfort
do you know death?that shepherd of the goodnight,
that proud face, cold noseand we, all of us, seek to
know it, and so, we too
die a littleand we, all of us, seek love,
and so we, all of us, try to
love a littleOh wintering flower,
do you know love?for surely, it's ripened fuit
only waited to be graspedand just like, just like,
the death which owns you nowthat errand boy i call
impossible truth
fetching his package
like a prizeand as dear to you now
as a freckle,there is a voice that says
"Oh", my songbird, my Psyche,
my loveworn Lady LazarusOh my calla lilly,
Oh Stacey, oh silly girl,Oh where'd you learn to
do that?
~~April 20th, 2002