Posted by Janelle on April 4, 2002, at 17:58:50
Hi Kiddo-
Thanks for the compliment on my name :-)
I also love anything regarding 'puters, and techie stuff but have not learned NEARLY as much as you apparently have!
Okay, I kinda thought that JavaScript is a programming language, but didn't know that a *script* is short of a nickname/shortened name for what one writes when using Javascript!
How would one go about installing/getting the Opera browser? Can you buy the software, or maybe even download it from a site like I'm just curious.
Your computer experience sounds similar to mine, but you have come MUCH FARTHER in what you know and can do than I have. I must admit I knew MUCH more than just how to turn on the thing when I bought it, but since then I have learned a lot on top of what I already knew.
Much of what I've learned hasn't been through reading but rather classes, trial and error/experimenting on my part (though again, not to the extent you have, but I am like a dog with a bone when there's something puzzling about a computer that I sense I can figure out if I just troubleshoot persistently!)
You mentioned that you have about a year left to receive your degree -- will it be in computers or what?
You said that you run your husband's business, and have everything computerized there, and I'm just curious what kind of business is it?
And because you run it and are also in school, I take it that you do not have your *own* separate job?
I also gather that you are probably rather young, certainly quite a bit younger than me!
I'm like you - if I had your computer skills I would also have a hard time charging people for it because I would love it so much and feel I'd be taking advantage of them. So, nope, it is NOT hard to understand! :-)
Guess that's it for now. Thanks for being interested in continuing this *chat* and I look forward to your answers to the questions I've asked in this post!