Posted by ensoul on February 15, 2002, at 3:04:21
my daughter got HUD she's moving out in a month, will be gone by March 1st, that means I have to move
Rick is extremely fatigued, on pain meds, and can't do any heavy lifting because of cancer
neither can I not with the nerve damage I have in both hands and my armcan't afford to pay anyone to move, can't afford to anyplace to live
SSI just cut me in 1/2 because they said i got one time grant from Workers Comp...I didn't, they were behind on payments cut no workers comp in January...SSI says that doesn't matter
no way to pay bills, Rick can't work...should be getting disability but that takes time and will less than 1/2 his pay check
I'm going to have to sell my computer and my stereo, and probably the TV