Posted by gilbert on December 6, 2001, at 16:24:18
I will throw a gentle dart towards the pharmacy I go to. It seems that the staff phamacists should be more up to date on the products they fill. I would venture to bet that alot of board members on this web site are more informed about the drugs we take than the pill fillers themselves. I have had to get most of my vital data from people like you and others on this board who seem to have more than A PDR on line to answer questions. So first and foremost if you are going to a your job so much that you update yourself especially all the littel biochemical idiosyncracies that we get from people on this web site. Also don't tell me statistical data about how well the generic performs vs the brand....if the patient is noticing a difference get involved don't wash your hands of it by thinking it impossible. I find all my phamacists to be friendly and caring it just seems that anything outside the book PDR is not a part of their vocabulary.