Posted by Greg on August 25, 2000, at 18:02:31
In reply to Re: Afraid to drop into old habits..., posted by Jena Lyn on August 25, 2000, at 14:08:51
I know what you're going thru only too well, that's why I spend so much time here and on my website. It's important to know that you are understood and I know my friends here understand me even in those times when I don't understand myself. They don't think I'm trying to be cute or get attention, they just accept me for who I am. It can feel really lonely sometimes, so I turn here. I am lucky that my family does try to understand me, but they only understand just so much. Sometimes they treat me like a crystaline figure, like they think I'll break if they say the wrong thing. Sometimes they're right.
I hope you can find some solace in knowing that you're not alone here. WE know what you're going thru. Even if you don't think you can trust anyone else with your feelings, I hope you'll keep talking to us. Anytime you need to talk, I'm here.
I wish you peace and contentment in your life,
Greg> Michael and Greg,
> I know that I need to find someone I can really talk to but I CAN'T talk to my friends or my family. They just don't understand. My best friend is great and I do talk to her about most things, but she just doesn't understand any of this. She keeps telling me its not cute anymore. Im not trying to be cute damn it, why don't they get that??!?! I just get so frustrated, then mad at myself for doing this to them...its a mess. Thats why Im here, so I can talk to you guys. We don't all have the same experience but at least you all can respect what Im going through and are willing to listen without getting mad at me for what I feel, which is what my fam and friends do. I can't handle getting yelled at for things I can't control ...
> * Jena *
> ~~~ Im lonely ... I'll make me a world ~~~