Posted by itsmeshorti on May 13, 2011, at 18:11:57
In reply to Re: feeling abandoned by therapist or is it just me?, posted by itsmeshorti on May 11, 2011, at 19:57:29
Hey all,
I apologize for babbling on. It really helped me to get it out.
I went to therapy today, things went well. She brought it up. She apologized to me for not letting me have an easy session, and that she was very challenging in her questioning. She said she was very tired and will do her best not to let it happen again. She said she did not notice her behavior, until I brought it up and she was glad I did bring it up. (At the end of last weeks session I told her I was very pissed off and did not feel this was a very good session.) She said she was trying to problem solve not be a therapist. She said she learned something from it, and will try not to let it happen again. And that if it does I should bring it up.
I told her how it made me feel, and how I had babbled away on here. She wants me to bring this in next time. That this will help open up our therapudic relationship. My faith in her has been renewed. My only catch is she would not say she will not abandon me. She validated my feeling that way but I really needed to hear "I will not abandon you" But this will have to do.
So anyways I am sorry for rambling on, on this post. I don't mean to take advantage of this site. I just really needed to vent and get some advice and I want to thank the ones who posted back. Your advice was appreciated.