Posted by Daisym on January 9, 2008, at 23:32:00
In reply to Re: update-moving/leaving T., etc **mild triggers? » muffled, posted by 10derHeart on January 9, 2008, at 22:41:13
You know the West holds some wonderful things - Racer and I could throw you a welcome party. I know a few Babblers who are looking for an excuse to come out and create camp comfort for real. :)
As hard as it is to hold on to your faith, it is what will sustain you. And I think you will carry your therapist with you, in your heart and inside your head as you restart your life. That in no way lessens the pain of letting go. And you've had to let go of a beloved therapist more than once, which is evidence, I suppose, that God can be counted on to put good people, the people you need, in your path.
What is it about this uniquely weird relationship that is so powerful - with so much potential for pain and yet so full of love? I read what you wrote with tears - I hear the hurt but I also hear how close you are. Even discussing the rupture, and the email, you are balanced, open and clear about your feelings. You are upset with him, but accepting of his apology. Even as you know you still need to vent your anger. And he reads your fears long distance. This is all a powerful testimony to your relationship. So I have to believe that he won't just disappear when you move - he will remain available by phone and email, as he is now.
I'm glad you took the time to write. You are always so hard on yourself about how much you do or don't post. But that doesn't make you any less cared about by those who know you. So reach out if and when you need to. No one is keeping score.
Take care,