Posted by muffled on October 9, 2007, at 15:33:07
In reply to Re: sorry response » muffled, posted by B2chica on October 9, 2007, at 8:03:09
> but it's weird cuz i think it REALLY does make a difference.
*Thanks B2 for your nice reply, you a sweetie!
I just cut out that one bit from your post, cuz i am in scientist mode. If you have a way of being that is impartial and very into being scientific, the USE IT! Its very useful.
The thing that was SO hard for me to 'get' bout my people, was that they people. They INDIVIDUALS.Everybodys experience is their own of course, but this was just SUCH a big part of my being able to understand whats going on inside.
Its SO WEIRD, and SO HARD to grasp this concept. I still struggle with it. But when I am understanding it better, then I understand what the other guys might be doing/feeling etc. Therefore I better understand why *I* 'feel' the way I do. All those strange feelings become MUCH less strange, and then I can start to actually DEAL with the feelings. Before I could NOT deal with feelings cuz they had NO frikkin rhyme or reason. How can you deal with something that makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER????
So for me to be able to be in am mode where I can impartially observe what might be happening internally, then its useful for me.
I dunno if this makes ANY sense, but I just trying to help you understand what was most useful for me, so mebbe you can progress and get thru this a little easier.
Funny thing what got me thinking of all this was that now my people seem to know bout each other, I think the beggars are doing stuff I don't know bout! Not IRL, but inside. LOL! Like I am starting to think THEY are BONDING w/each other some?!?! Is that COOL or WHAT?????
I think mebbe Toughie is backing up That kid that noone likes...
She was always pretty much rejected completely by ALL. But kids....they fickle...LOL. So now they ganging together against T at the moment!!!
And this is where the impartial me gets so amused/fascinated, cuz how can this all be???? And the kids ACT LIKE KIDS, it just never ceases to astonish me, no matter how many times it happens.
Ya, an impartial back seat to all this is pretty damn useful.
I hope you can find a part like that...
Yup, damn useful.
Reckon being a MOm is useful too. Being around kids, know how they behave...
But scientist is good, not emotions.
UGH GOTO keep emots at bay
Arrgggh see B2, somebodyy wants to do stuff but I say NO.
I wiggle my head, I kinda shake it, make 'em go back.
Hope this is OK.
Take care,