Posted by ElaineM on August 3, 2006, at 23:05:58
In reply to she emailed me (and Karolina), posted by ElaineM on August 2, 2006, at 20:59:33
======= health trigger? =======
I'm really scared. I go in tomorrow for the first tooth. I don't think he'll agree to attempt it anymore because it's so extensive -- because the vertigo and nausea are so bad. My eyes are going to burst from the pressure. I was sick to my stomach this afternoon (and nobody is comfortable when that's a symptom). I think the infection may be moving down my neck because the muscles in it seize up and I'm having a very very hard time swallowing solid food, but more importantly, pills too. (I hate writting medical-ish stuff out!)
I'm not confident in his ability to manage all my medical problems -- he's only a regular dentist! I don't mean to say he's incompetant or anything, but just that this is out of his skills range. But I don't have any options, or the right to be choosy...mouthy?....paranoid?...crazy.
My T is back tomorrow. My worst fear is that I lose consciousness and they pull all 3-5 teeth while I'm out of it -- as an emergency, executive decision. If he were here he'd help me. He wouldn't let anything bad happen, if it was preventable.
I don't know when I'll even be able to get back on the computer and read about the stuff that's going on with everyone here. I don't even know if what I've written makes sense, and my eyes can't take the brightness of the screen so I don't even want to read it over. I'm sooooo sick, and so completely terrified.