Posted by Estella on August 3, 2006, at 22:59:01
I had a good session yesterday. Couple of weeks ago I was thinking that we needed to have a chat about what we were doing in therapy. There doesn't seem to be a focus. She was talking about cutting sessions back to fortnightly or monthly. I was starting to think that... There wasn't much point in my seeing her. She is a nice lady who is trying to help, don't get me wrong. But I don't feel particularly connected to her. I'm not at all sure we are on the same wavelength really.
Something came up so I didn't get in to see her last week. This week... We had a good session, however. I managed to establish something too... It is a womens health councelling service. It isn't connected to community mental health. As such they don't really deal with psychiatric problems, they deal more with rape councelling and pregnancy councelling and stuff like that. So...
We chatted about my social anxiety. Most especially around eating. Most especially around... Amounts. Have issues there... Eating out is a source of anxiety for me. And socialising in general. I tend to get caught up in intense conversations with a single person rather than chatting with a group. Not so good at the general chat with more people. Also... Hostility. I always knew this intellectually but I'm coming to know it experientially too... Philosophy is a fairly confontational discipline. Question time can result in yelling and talking over and covert insults etc etc. Nearly walked out of a seminar the other day because I felt unsafe. I didn't walk. But I was surely surprised at how I felt as a result of witnessing that interaction. I was just listening. But I was surely surprised. And I realise that... In academia... In philosophy... That mode of interaction is something that some professors do and then students try and emulate and... Well it feels like a pissing contest to me... But others don't really see it that way. If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen... If you can't stand intense critique then what are you doing philosophy for?
Find myself... I need to find myself. I'm pretty quiet. Just finding my feet really. But you know... I don't want to be like that. Appropriate assertiveness. I need to learn that so I can stand up to people. But I don't ever want to stoop to that level. That is the way I see it yeah. Had a good chat about that in therapy. Next week... Well... We shall see...