Posted by Sixsecrets on March 30, 2006, at 18:01:16
I am very sad. I see a psychologist. I take Effexor, Ativan and Zopiclone. I have tried suicide once and almost achieved the big check out, but I had forgotten I had a lunch date and he came looking for me and found me unconscious and a trip to the ER ensued. I have tried everything to make the pain go away, but it sticks to me. I had an abortion last year and the soul pain was so great that I took a razor to my arm and leg. I also have had brain surgery (aneurysm) and I wonder if that is why I am so messed up. I was sexually abused/incest as a child. My relationships with men have been just rotten. When I see my step-father and my brother I pretend nothing happened. All my life has been a pretense. The man I truly loved dumped me...he said my complexities scared him emotionally. I am doomed. Nobody understands.