Posted by allisonross on October 21, 2005, at 12:23:30
In reply to Re: To:FW: (Unrequited/sort of) Love with my Therapist » Susan47, posted by Annierose on October 20, 2005, at 22:24:07
Hi, Annie: Thankyou, sweetie...for your caring comment. Been with him for 3 years (went to him for a church issue); dealt with my issues 20 years ago! We have many deep discussions, and there isn't anything....we cannot discuss; that is the beauty; yes I am in love with him, he says he is convinced we can still do good work together (we have and continue to do that) ; despite the painful feelings I have, but I survived a childhood of abuse and a marriage of 31 years of abuse; I can deal with this; don't like to....but that is the way it is......I cannot change it, and I don't want to get a new t; alone now for the 1st time in 31 years; abandoment was the only issue that really I had; and now it is here; my t says I am "thriving' and he is right! I was voted out of a 31-year membership (church) cause i got the divorce; with my name up on a big screen, followed by the words (on my birthday, no less): CONDUCT UNBECOMING A CHILD OF GOD; it is a very long story; I was published with the Ph.D's! Amazingly: The Transcendent Child on Overcoming Verbal and Spiritual Abuse.......I have always been able to make something good come out of the ashes of my lifetime of abuse ; this was no exception: poems of anguish, hope, healing and comfort came pouring from my wounded soul. It's been a phenomenon; My t jjourneyed with me thru the 18 month debacle ( I chose to fight the spiritual abuse to tr and stop the pastor [of disaster, LOL] from 'counseling" any more women, because 2 of them wanted to commit suicide. My t taught me the most valuable words I ever heard: Restorative Justice---This is what you did--this is how it made me feel...So empowering to someone abused (except for 3 years in the army) for a lifetime. If it were not for my faith, twisted wit and wicked sense of humor, i would be drooling in a corne somewhere. I;ve written my memoir; Ghost Child to Triumph (from a child with no voice, to someone who speaks up against injustice), and have a publisher interested! Thank you for writing; am a newbie! Smiles