Posted by Shortelise on July 3, 2005, at 14:21:39
In reply to Very depressed after reading article on rTMS, posted by Cecilia on July 3, 2005, at 5:36:25
I wonder about this too. For me, it's migraine treatments. I guess there are people who get relief from Excedrin Migraine, but I might as well just drink the water I use to take it for all the good it does me. Other treatments that people tell me about that worked for their aunt Lizzie, well, believe me, if taking two aspirin, drinking a cup of coffee and masturbating worked for all migrainers, it would be a different world.
Actually, RTMS is, I believe, also used for migrainers.
Cecilia, I don't know how chronically depressed people manage. WHen I a depressed - luckily it's recurrent, not constant - there is no hope, no solution, no help ever, anywhere at all. To live with that constantly must be hell. I am so sorry for you.
You know, I imagine that if you think you are phsycially ugly, then you might be. And I respect your ability to see it. But what's funny about the "ugly" thing is that I have always, always found beautiful things about people who might be considered unattractive. My young niece has the most beautiful hands. Another has skin that's so soft! And yet another has a way of moving, despite her weight, that is grace itself and fine to behold, and she wears draping clothes of gorgeous fabrics. ANd the other there was a guy who walked by who had a way of looking, I don't know how to desrcibe it, but he had such a wide open look to his face when he looked. I love these things of beauty in these people and admire them more than I do the beauty of an entirely lovely creature, even in strangers on the bus.
Your experience in Vancouver sounds heartbreaking. I wish it were more like the article, and that your life had somehow been transformed. I think depression alienates us. There are plenty of homely people who live lives that are not full of lonliness and desperation. THe depression is the difference.
I wish I could make a difference.