Posted by Dinah on December 2, 2002, at 0:03:40
In reply to Anyone tell me about Bipolar II?, posted by Greg A. on November 28, 2002, at 13:12:34
I truly wish I could help you Greg. I know you're in a lot of pain.
I've been diagnosed with cyclothymia, a step or so lower on the bipolar spectrum. But my experience doesn't seem to be similar to yours.
I have highs (good hypomanias), often brought on by lack of sleep, sometimes just because. I have dysphoric agitated depressions (nasty hypomanias), twice brought on by medications and sometimes just occuring spontaneously. I have periods of high anxiety, sometimes related to real life events sometimes not. I have times where I barely feel alive, completely apathetic and going through the motions without emotions. I have times where I'm ok. The deep down content and happy times seem few and far between. I have the occasional meltdown which I have absolutely no explanation for. I have few if any anger attacks, and then almost exclusively aimed at myself. Most of my moods last no longer than a few weeks, and almost always at least a week.
I've managed to separate myself from my emotional self enough to function and almost look on as an observer most of the time.
I don't have much experience with the depths of extended period depression you've experienced. Maybe three in my lifetime, and I don't think they were as severe as yours. Perhaps some people who have experienced more sustained melancholic depressions (as I've assumed is the case with you?) can give you more helpful information.
Take care of yourself, Greg.