Posted by alexandra_k on May 20, 2018, at 17:25:37
In reply to Re: do know what's wrong, posted by alexandra_k on May 20, 2018, at 16:54:14
I couldn't bear to be a lawyer, in this country.
Partly it's about how law has been marketed. Boston Legal has been hugely influential. Men behaving badly and females dressed like hookers.
There was this thing not so long ago about a law camp at this University. How it was basically a lot of drunken debauchery that was tolerated by the University and the Law School. Practically sanctioned. Together with judges pronouncing abuse to be socially sanctioned and appropriate (what a person did was 'not that bad') and then... Female lawyers claiming sexual harrassment from major lawfirms where they worked as interns.
So now the head of the law school person is going to go to another university...
But that's the state of Law, in New Zealand.
I had to appear in the District Court in Auckland. After I tried to get to see a Psychiatrist and the nasty allied health lady was all oppositional and I have her a couple firm punches on her stout woman shoulder to try and get to to f*ck off and she called the police and (as a government worker) requested they charge me with battery.
The police thought I was a homeless person or simliar. Thought I would enjoy the drama. Nearly strip search -- but at some point (when she saw I wasn't wearing sexy underwear) the police officer seemed to realise that I wasn't enjoying things and she actually stopped. The learned I had on priors whatsoever. But they were force to charge me because she was a governmetn worker.
My appointed lawyer... We were in the courtroom over the recess when the judge was out of the room. And she was bantering with the police and other people in teh courtroom. Telling tehm about her drunken weekend. She seemed to think that this was entirely appropriate.
She wasn't trying to assess my reactoin to this at all... She was new to the area and she was trying to make friends...
That's law.
Public defenders become judges... That's law.
Though I guess you want to start out in High Court rather than Domestic... But still. It turned me off law.
Teh student union lawyer, here, who couldn't have done a better job at undermining my case (the person she was supposedly representing) than if she had been put there strategically by the opposition. She'd been put there precisely to make sure that students did not get adequate legal representation when their rights were persistently violated...
Our system doesn't have skilled students who get any kind of kudos for volunteer work or for doing a good job of defence of the poor etc.
And the public defenders are too swamped to adequately help any of their clients.
But I would rather minimise any kind of reliance on the health system in this country. I don't have much more faith in teh private system, either, since I've heard it said 'people simply aren't in the position to judge competence' etc. You can throw money at the private system and I'm not at all convinced your money will buy you the things that are most important (to me). Some things not even money can buy. I need to do as much for myself as I can.
I do believe that there are genuine people out there who aren't psychopaths etc.
There's just a really very high proportion of them indeed concentrated around minding people at the lowest levels in this country.
Nobody was meant to spend as much time hovering around here as I have... The assumption is that I'm incompetent or mentally defective that I've done this...
New Zealand: It's not working.
It really is largely because of the proportion of bullies. That people will put them in charge / that people really are powerless to prevent them.
So persons have gone into hiding.
You just don't see them, anymore...