Posted by willyee on July 15, 2006, at 6:13:27
In reply to Re: Where does this go..... Willyee » willyee, posted by MARTY on July 15, 2006, at 3:06:32
> I'm sorry Willyee, I'm not going to reply to every points.
> You apologized for the posts? it's all to your honor. frankly.
> You dont want to apologize to Phillipa for USING HER in your frustration driven posts ? tsk.. that's your way of doing things..
it's sad,
Any more sadder that a person should feel ridiculed for pointing out what he believes to be an unfair balance of moderation?FACT is however its sliced phillipa has an overwhelming amount of posts that are socialy oriented,this is just right in your face if it is questioned.So tsk tsk i should feel bad not understanding why she is not held to the same policy when her social posts are not re directed?
I feel bad i could not have been annoymonous is projecting this,but i dont feel as the way your portaying me,as being some monster to phillipa,her social posts would im very sure be a great asset on social,so i wouldnt put me in the corner quite yet,as what i did was project a valid claim.
but at least it's legal. And at least nobody followed your recommandation that she be transfered to another forum and so she didn't loose total contact with 3/4 of her friends at psychobabble. I'm sure you too is happy about it. right? :)
> You suggest that people who doesn't appreciate your writing skills to just don't read your post ? Why don't you suggest yourself to stop reading ACE posts if you can't appreciate his sense of humor OR for any other reason.
> (PS: I know the Nardil community that you refer to: I'm a member of it. I'm also a member of NPAC. From what I've read, and I've read almost 3/4 of ALL THE POSTS on this forum since his creation, nobody there has tried the high dose ACE said he wanted to try. BTW, I dont think it's a good idea to go that far.)
The whole triggering of me finaly saying something was the fact that he caps it in his subject line,so no i dont have a way of not seeing it.And i was just checking with the site because if u read the previous posts,hmmm i swear by golly i do that it comes so close to seeming as if you sugggest ace form of use,the dose etc whatever might lend hand to legitamacy to his champ claim,i know it sounds absurd,i guess posted the link with the hard core veterans knowing the drug inside and out on my silly assumption that you might have been doing ,,,you know as i stated,lending legitmacy to aces claim,making it any more than a joke.Ahh i should have known no one would think such a silly though,well the link was at least a good resource.
> I wish you the best. I hope you'll not 'quit' the forum for many reasons. If you do, I hope that you will come back soon enough because there are many people waiting to be helped and you are one of those who can. And I also know that some people appreciate you very much. Like Phillipa for instance, which always cared for you. Etc.. and some more.You mean who,who always cared for me right? Im surprised i picked up on that lol me being the grammer nightmare i am lol.
Im trying to actualy leave,i believe it is best i do,if phillipa cared about me truly,then she would not loose that over this matter,also shed be unwise to think its a reflection to her personal being and how i feel towards her.
I dont believe i ever stated i disliked her ever,rather that she is part of a problem i have with the moderation on the group.Lil secret my boss p.o. d many a times,steaming mad,still said outside work he was one of the greatest funniest guys to know,i can only hope phillipa takes that reasoning into play.
> Have a nice day.
> Marty
> The very humble, clean, white, hygieneous, standerized, little and with average result user of Celexa. (tm)
> PS2: Did you tried OMEGA 3 ? It has been very good for my angers/frustration/irrability while being on Parnate.. I was such a bitch! :)
>Im not even gonna respond to this lol,maybe you should re read both of your posts,id rather you come at me with the knife pointing at me then hiding it,you were right about one thing,im not dumb,and its easy,actualy im sure purposly made this way,to know your posts were not meant to be much other than a key to projecting some immense grudges towards me.
A smile can be worn when stabbing someone cant it?