Posted by mantus on July 28, 2011, at 15:44:07
In reply to Re: Went off nardil 1 week ago. HR/BP problems persist » mantus, posted by floatingbridge on July 27, 2011, at 21:58:57
> > > It seems unlikely that nardil has permamently changed your autonomic nervous systme - its been around for 50 years and this hasnt been reported.
> > >
> > > Give it a couple of weeks to get out of your system before you panic.
> >
> > Well, I agree with exactly what you are saying, the problem is there was a moment after dealing with this every day for months and not having any doctor listen to me, that basically
> I just gave up on any idea positive thoughts of this problem resolving itself. I have been basically living in a state of pure anger every day when I stand and tell it is there again, try to walk and go a very short distance before my body just says no. I am 26 years old, I have played sports and exercised my entire life. Now, I feel like I am 50 years older and because
> no doctors give me any real confidence that they have any idea why this happened, or that it is even going to resolve on its own, I can't help but be irrate. My other concern is that there also exists little to know research of anyone developing POTS while on Nardil with absolutely no improvement and actually it just worsening over time. It just leaves me thinking that I am the exception to the research, and I'll likely keep thinking that until one day something changes on its own.
> Hi Landon, my current health situation is beyond ridiculous, but my own self dx'd POTS type situation predated medication. I had no idea what the heck it was until about maybe two years ago when I tried to describe to my doctors that standing up was way too fatiguing, that if I could sit, I felt better. Other stuff, too. No one even registered this simple observation. After awhile, just bumped into this POTS thing and just knew if anyone put me on a tilt table, I would have big time trouble.
> In your case, well, still don't panic, because if it is chemically induced, the chances are it will remit. Have you googled medically induced POTS or sudden onset POTS? I think the point Jono makes is a good one. Either way, you won't know until you have the Nardil out of your system which might be longer than two weeks.
> All that said, that someone is not taking your very real medical situation a little more seriously seems medically unsound. Your pdoc knows and just says wait? Your gp knows? I, too have spent precious time with experts to end up feeling like, wow, I am justva piddling person and how come I know information than this particular specialist. I've often thought that in very few professions does one have to pay money up front for a service without any garuntee of performance than medicine. This is not saying I demand a cure for my money. That would be absurd. But I have paid line $800 dollars to be patronized and told it's in my head or it's a sx of depression. I mean, well yeah. But that doesn't mean there are not comorbidities that deserve medical attention. Dollars to doughnuts, if I did not mention *my* depression, some people would take things a bit differently.
> That was my vent :-/. I am not too keen about you having to go through the extremes you are describing alone. Can you see a therapist (insurance?) because anger is a legitimate feeling, so is panic and being concerned about your health. Not to mention the physical aspects you describe.
>Well, here is the full story. I was working at a state psychiatric facility that has been going through many changes in administration (horrible changes and horrible people i might add). Morale around the hospital is at an all time low, including me. I'm sure working in this environment has not helped anything as my hr symptoms just continued to persist and be quite debilitating. Finally, I said enough is enough, I can't take this anymore. I went to my doctors for the 10 thousandth time saying "either fix this hr problem or I'm stopping it today." In which case they both said, well, honestly we should've told you to quit a long time ago because it is not getting any better. So, I knew going off of Nardil cold turkey combined with the hr issues would be pure hell, and trying to force myself to keep going to a job that was now also hell just seemed ridiculous. So, luckily I have very supportive parents and a 3 month leave from work to figure this stuff out. Unfortunately, I prepared myself for terrible nardil withdrawals and possible rebound anxiety/depression, but did not at all expect this hr issue to stay and actually get even worse. Today, I took my pulse while standing and it was 146, 148, 153 over about a 5 minute time frame. These are the 3 highest numbers I've ever seen during this whole problem. So, basically I just cursed the world again, thought about breaking a few things, and laid down because that's about all I can do. I am absolutely terrified this situation is not going to resolve itself, no one (not even any doctors) to understand why this has happened to me. Meanwhile, my 3 month countdown is ticking. I was planning on really doing some positive work for myself while on this leave and definitely find counseling. However, I don't want my counseling sessions to be nothing but me ranting about physical symptoms I can't control. I was really hoping to work through the 2 week washout period, have the hr issues resolved, and reevaluate as to the necessity of immediately starting something else, while also beginning counseling. But that, and my entire life is put on hold as all I can do is pray that these symptoms will go away. If not, I'm terrified of what might happen during some sort of very low period when my mind is doing so poorly, only to be combined with a body that can't even fight if it wanted to.