Posted by geno on August 19, 2004, at 15:33:30
Hi, i was just thinking maybe someone has similarities to my medication regiment and mental aliments. First off, ill start by telling you what i am diagnosed with.
ANxiety (social)
ADD (type 2- No motivation, lack of enjoying things etc)
Sleep problems- Have problems falling asleep
Drug abuse (mainly opiates)ya def opiatesNow i must have been to 10 different doctors, p-pocs, self medicating, and the outcome is me using opiates (oxy-h) or not feeling right. Like antisocial, laying around, not enjoing anything, i would work out just to get that endorphan feeling.
Iv been on Zoloft 100mg, and stayed clean for about 1 yr, and i wasnt depressed,but i was like a walking emotionless antisocial person. I ended up relapsing. Hard.
So, i found this doctor who was able to persribe a drug called suboxone, for opiate cravings and detox. For withdrawls, it worked great. I could be using up to 5 oxy 40's give or take, stop them with suboxone, and be normal the next day. Also, some studies show suboxone is good for refractory depression.
So i remained on suboxone 16mg, and after 2 months, told my doctor i still dont have motivation, Have cravings, Lack of concentration. So i was given the add test and failed, and was perscribed Adderall 20mg 2x daily. He also perscribed me 2mg of klonopin for sleep.
About 1 day after taking this combo, and i took the klonopin through the day, split usually .5mg-1mg, due to anxiety from adderall, and i was up doing things, esp computer work, i felt 100 percent better, less drug craving/ Also im on lexapro 10mg. WHich i dont think is contributing much.
Now i look at my meds and say, well each one is a perscribed scheduled drug. ANd all 3 can be abused. So it take me to think well this is why there working because there addictive drugs. BUT i dont abuse them. Maybe ill take an extra suboxone or adderall here and there, but nothing like abusing them.
Along with my meds, i take the following supplements:
L-Tyrosine (500mg) am.
DL-Phenylanline 500mg emty stomach
B-Complex (50mg am)
Rhodia Rosia (350)mg emtpty stomach
5-HTP (50mg) Bed
Acetyl l-carntitine (500mg)
L-THeanine (200)mg bed
Now if you investigate each supplement, they all seperately are precusors to most neurotransmitters. For some of you who dont know what each do i can briefly tell you.L-tyrosine ( dopamine)
DL-Phenylalanine ( precursor to natural endorphans)
B-Complex ( overall brain/cns health)
Rhodia Rosia ( studies show increase seratonin, and Endorphans/opiate receptors)
Acyetlcarnitine (achetylcholine)
L-Theanine ( Gaba)
5htp (seratonin)Ok, well it may be a bit too much or may be interacting with my meds. For one, my adderall seems like its stopped working and im taking 30mg 2x daily. I still do have energy, but i have alot of cravings for opiates. It actually seems like it eliminates alcohol cravings because i dont dring nor even think about it. (suboxone). Im a bit less social as of when i first started suboxone/adderall.
Though i dont think that those supplements are interacting, because the doses are not that high of each, i beleive my system is just immune to these drugs. I know my opiate receptors are shot. I can do probably 2 oxy 80's and just feel a buzz. But im not getting into drugs on this board, jus that i do still crave opiates, and there is no other medication besides methadone that would help, and that itself is just like using.
I think if i can get my adderall to perform better, by taking antacids, bit of baking soda, which enhance the effects, then make sure my klonopin is a low enough dose where its not combating the adderall. Im also investigating suboxone alot to see what ineracts or potentiates this drug. 2 of my friends love the drug. The dont get high, but they can feel a little bit, they dont wanna use, and seems to work. Boy and the more you mix and try to see what does this or that , it gets confusing.
Also, taking an amphetamine break, and just use caffeine, or ephedrine is a possiblity, but ephedrine is a potent amphetamine type stimulant.
I came to a conlusion, my problem is not seratonin but dopamine. Dopamine release from VTA nucleus accumbus from drug use can be messed up. Once i took adderall, it kicked that part of my brain in, and i felt great, but now im immune to it, and dont feel so good. And i dont want to over do it or increase it or thats back to abusing meds.
I read some of the prior post, chemist esp, and you seem very knowlegable. thank you