Posted by chemist on May 9, 2004, at 20:55:43
In reply to neurontin poop out after awhile, fixable, chemist?, posted by jlbl2l on May 9, 2004, at 11:00:20
> Neurontin, for me has had the "poop out" or tolerance effect only after just a few weeks use. Then, i tried it again 4 months later, and it worked again..! But Yet again, it has pooped out and stopped working recently after only 2 weeks time. I am dumbfounded onto why this occurs. So i decided to expierment. Knowing both a lot about neurontin's mech of action and benzo's mech's of action, i decided to test some possible theories.
> Today, I took klonopin. Once i felt the klonopin kick in, i took the neurontin (neurontin had totally pooped out at this point - i tried 3600mg to no avail days before this) anyways - when i added the neurontin after taking the klonopin, i noticed that neurontin's effects were established again (which I can readily identify from klonopin). The dosage was 1500mg. This is leading me to various theories on why neurontin "poops out".
> I want to know why neurontin poop's out or a user gains tolerance. If it has to do with calcium channels etc, id love to get into that. Ive thought of various ways to stop this poop out effect.
> The fact that 4 months ago it pooped out (i thought i had just gained tolerance and it would never work again) but then i decided to try it again - and to my surprise 4 months later it worked just like originally. It seems that it doesn't have tolerance, but perhaps I am overloading my system to much, therefore depleting glutamine and the production of gaba? So I thought maybe adding glutamine in may stop the poop out effect totally. Then again, what about the calcium channels (the way neurontin works). Perhaps there is some sort of inborn feedback mech. to prevent this kind of thing itself, how could i reverse that? Add calcium to my diet, or the reverse, magnseum?
> chemist, anyone suggestions?
> jlbl2well, Kon's reply seems to indicate, in concert with your experience, that some desensitization of the receptors involved occurs over a certain period of time. this facet is not unique to neurontin/benzos but to many drugs, and the mechanisms (as you both point out) for GABAnergic transmission being increased are different for neurontin and, say, a benzodiazepine such as klonopin. from what i have read and from my own extensive use of benzodiazapines and xanax, it appears as if these drugs don't really ``poop-out'' but rather an escalation in dose - albeit a small one - keeps the effects coming. from what you are saying about neurontin, it just stops working, and i assume (please correct me if i am wrong) that you tried upping the dose of neurontin but to no avail. the mechanism(s) by which neurontin exerts increased GABAbergic transmission are, in my opinion, more circuitous than the benzodiazepenes, and thus the answer is likely to involve more than one neurotransmitter or receptor. in short, i just don't know, and will have a look at the literature, although i am sure you will find that some of the common posters for subjects related to neurontin are a better source, especially in addressing your concern on how to alleviate....all the best, chemist